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  • Recycling Basics | Reduce, Reuse, Recycle | US EPA

    Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. Recycling can benefit your community and the …

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  • What is Recycling and Why is Recycling Important?

    1. Recycling contributes to a circular economy where everything is a resource rather than waste. Properly run recycling programs cost the government, taxpayers, and business owners less money than waste programs. 2. Studies show that by continuing to increase positive recycling habits, the United States can create over one million jobs annually.

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  • Recycling | City of Bloomington MN

    Place extra recycling in a paper bag and set next to your recycling cart. Make sure extra bags and boxes don't weigh more than 40 pounds. If you consistently have extra recycling, you can request a larger or additional cart by contacting City Utility Billing. There is no cost for an additional recycling cart.

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  • Home

    Recycling. For more than 30 years, Cincinnati residents have made recycling a daily habit, diverting more than 400,000 tons of material from the waste stream. In 2022, residents recycled 11,957 tons of metal, glass, plastic, and paper. Recycling efforts in Cincinnati: • Conserved enough energy to power every home in Cincinnati for five days.

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  • The 3 R's

    The 3 R's stand for "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle". This Eco are rules that guide us to take care of our planet and use things wisely. 1. Reduce. "Reducing" means using less, …

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  • Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub

    Our Recycling and Reuse Outlets What We Take: For a Fee What We Take For Recycling Quick Guide for sorting What we Don't Take FAQ Volunteer Our mission is to revolutionize how people think about "things" and to provide a place where almost anything can be recycled or reused. Your charitable contribution makes an instant impact! ...

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  • EPA Releases Bold National Strategy to Transform Recycling …

    The National Recycling Strategy includes five strategic objectives with specific actions to strengthen the U.S. recycling system: Improve markets for recycled …

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  • Recycling

    City of Jackson, TN Recycling Center. Jackson Recycling Center Mission: To support our recycling program mission by providing opportunities to recycle cardboard, paper, plastics #1 and #2, and metals in a city-centered area that is available and affordable for all residents.. The Jackson Recycle Center procedures and best practices are of …

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  • Recycling | Maui County, HI

    The Recycling Section focuses on a range of landfill diversion and Zero Waste services and programming such as Residential Recycling Dropbox Centers, Plastic Free Maui County, BYO Bag, and HI5 for redeemable beverage containers. The section also runs the Recycling Grants Program and the Hazardous Waste Collection Event.

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  • Residential Recycling Collection | AustinTexas.gov

    Collection guidelines. Place your recycling cart at the curb by 5:30 a.m. on your collection day.(The set-out time has been shifted to an hour earlier to minimize workers' exposure to the extreme summer heat.)

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  • Milwaukee Recycles

    The City of Milwaukee thanks you for recycling! Our program makes it easy – just sort your recyclables into the blue cart to Recycle For Good! Each year residents recycle over 50 million pounds of materials through the City's curbside program. Learn how you can waste less, recycle more, and join the effort to make Milwaukee clean and green! ...

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  • Recycling

    Place recycling out at the curb after 6:00 PM in a bin of 55 gallons or less with a secure lid and labeled with a recycling decal, or, if using bags, set out at the curb after 8:00 PM. Use only clear plastic bags for recycling. Set bundled cardboard (flattened and tied with twine) out next to bins or bags. DO NOT use cardboard boxes as bins.

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  • Recycling Servicesㅤ

    Baltimore City offers electronic recycling, commonly referred to as eCycling, to Baltimore City residents. These items cannot be set out curbside and must be taken to one the City's Citizen Drop Off Centers, locations 1 - 5 only. The item should be placed in the container marked electronics. Acceptable eCycle Materials.

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  • Recycling waste

    Recycling services provided to the public are mainly free of charge. However, you may be charged to recycle certain items at civic amenity centres or recycling centres. You can check the charges with your local centre. If you are recycling at home you may have to pay a fee for recycling bin collection. You can check the charges with your bin ...

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  • Recycling | City of Aiken, SC Government

    The City of Aiken now offers electronics recycling. These items are picked up for a $25 service fee on the day of your regular pickup. Please call 803-642-7613 to schedule the pickup of any of these items. Can Recycle. These …

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  • Find a Fridge or Freezer Recycling Program

    Local utilities and energy-efficiency organizations support a growing number of refrigerator and freezer recycling programs. Some programs offer cash to recycle your old fridge; others offer utility bill credits.

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  • Recycling Programs | Winona County, MN

    Winona County is committed to continuous improvement and programs that will increase recycling rates and provide recycling opportunities for all county citizens. Of the waste generated by the county in 2021, 48% of it was recycled. Meaning, Winona County has exceeded the state mandated recycling rate of 35% by weight for counties …

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  • Recycling – Welcome to the City of Fort Worth

    Order a blue recycling cart. To order call 817-392-1234. Recycling carts belong to the City of Fort Worth. No cost to request a blue cart for the residents of the City of Fort Worth. Blue carts are associated with your address. If you move residences, the blue cart must stay to prevent additional charges on your final bill.

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  • Reducing and Reusing Basics | US EPA

    Know what items your local recycling program collects and encourage your to recycle right and recycle more. Learn about what else you can do at home, at school, at work and in your community! Maintain and repair products, like clothing, tires and appliances, so that they won't have to be thrown out and replaced as frequently.

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  • Garbage, Recycling, and Compost | Portland.gov

    Learn what goes in each bin, how to sign up for garbage service, and how to look up your garbage company. Request assistance and order free recycling signs and labels. Find out how to get rid of stuff that doesn't fit in your bins and how to report trash in public areas.

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  • Environmental Programs Benefits of Recycling

    The National Recycling Coalition reports that recycling has created 1.1 million jobs, $236 billion in gross annual sales, and $37 billion in annual payroll. By meeting the state's 50% recycling goal, California is expected to create about 45,000 recycling jobs, compared to 20,000 new jobs slated to be created for the manufacturing sector.

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  • Recycling Programs | City of San Diego Official Website

    For assistance on starting a commercial food waste recycling program, please contact the City of San Diego's Environmental Services Department at 858-694-7000. Some businesses that generate food waste have considered liquefier devices as a means of complying with AB 1826.

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  • RECYCLING FACTS | recycleacrossamerica

    Recycling is in a crisis in the U.S. due to public confusion about recycling. U.S. recycling levels are currently 21.4% (recent EPA funded Yale University Study) When U.S. recycling levels reach 75% it will be the environmental and CO2 equivalent of removing 55 million cars from U.S. roads each year.

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  • Yale Experts Explain Recycling | Yale Sustainability

    Recycling at Yale is single-stream, meaning that rigid plastics, metals, paper and cardboard, and glass all go into one bin. The materials are collected by university recycling trucks, brought to a transfer station, and sent to a material recovery facility where they are sorted and sent to industry for recycling.

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  • Recycling Guidelines | City of Plantation, Florida

    Recycling reduces the amount of solid waste placed in the regular blue trash bags and thus lowers the overall cost of residential solid waste services. In order to recycle, the City of Plantation requires all non-multifamily residents, single-family homes, townhouses, duplexes and triplexes (other than those located in Plantation Acres or ...

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  • 10 Ways to Improve Your Recycling

    In addition, recycling one additional ton of waste will pay $101 more in salaries and wages, produce $275 more in goods and services, and generate $135 more in sales than disposing of it in a ...

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  • 10 Ways to Improve Your Recycling

    As global citizens, it's essential to understand the importance of recycling and adopt responsible recycling practices. This comprehensive guide has everything …

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  • What Is Recycling and Why Is It Important?

    So, what is recycling? According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recycling is the "process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products."The collection stage begins the process, and it's usually the part we consumers participate in. We collect our plastic, paper, metal, and …

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  • 7 Tips to Recycle Better

    "With plastics, it does get so confusing," says Erin Hafner of Baltimore's recycling program. "Clamshell containers, cutlery, plastic straws — all that stuff that ends up in the [recycling] bin." And it shouldn't. Solution: Check your city's recycling website for the number the city takes. 6. Stop wishcycling

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  • Jacksonville.gov

    The schedule and standards for recycling depend on your service area. Set out recycling no later than 6 a.m. on collection day and no earlier than 5 p.m. the day prior. (Ord. Sec. 382.415). EMPTY. CLEAN.DRY. Keep food and liquid out of your recycling. FYI: Recyclables don't have to be dishwasher clean.

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